The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known. ~Charles Evans Hughes

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 4

Are there advantages and drawbacks?
I think that there are some great advantages to creating your own website. So long as you have the know how to do it yourself. The most important part is having the specific knowledge and capability of doing it entirely on your own. You are able to apply exactly what you want to share through your webpage. By doing it yourself you are able to personalize it more to fit what you want to convey. It will also be more cost effective as well.
The drawbacks to designing a website yourself would be if you knew aboslutely nothing pertaining to web design. If you had never taken a course on the matter or studied into the business of web design then the website could actually back fire and make your cause look bad. A professional would know exactly what would make or break your website and how to make it excel your business or etc. A professional web developer can take that task from you so your able to spend more time and effort in other area's. After all they do say time is money. A web designer may know more tricks at designing a website such as adding custom layouts. After all they did go to school for it and have much more experience with adding codes to create different types of templates. A non professional may only know how to start using pre-designed templates.

Accessibilty vs Usibility

These are both two different terms but are closely related and integral in forming a top quality website. Accessibility refers to having the capability to accomodate any user who visits your site. Just like accomodating a customer when he or she comes into your business. This would be being able to accomodate the visitor regardless of the type of computer they are using. Wether they have poor hardware capabilities or an old clogged network etc. Your website should be able to accomodate visitors with limitations on their end of the spectrum.

To me usibility is what gives the visitor the feeling of satisfaction. Compared to customer satisfaction at a restaurant. They feel that once they enter your website all their questions are answered and they dont feel confused when navigating the site. Its easy for them to navigate through the site and they dont get lost while they "browse". Without Accessibility, usibility wouldnt matter. Without usibility your site would useless.

Is this always a good thing?
Its a great thing because you can just do it yourself. Its a great benefit for people who run their own business's or just enjoy having that freedom of creativity. However the down side would be the ability for people to cloud the air with misleading information posted on the internet. Such as TMZ or Wikipedia. These websites dont have the correct information and therefore end up causing misinformation being conveyed to the

1 comment:

  1. Accessibility refers designing your website so everyone can view it, even people with disabilities, and that they will have the same viewing experiences as those without.
