The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known. ~Charles Evans Hughes

Monday, February 6, 2012


Storyboarding is a great way to roughly go through your presentation so you can visually see how you want it to flow and to make any necessary changes. Storyboarding is very helpful because creating a storyboard with pictures and how you will set up your presentation will give others to see a general idea of what you want to portray and offer any ideas. I am a visual person and to have each webpage laid out before me, helps to give me idea's of how I want to design each page. By doing this the storyboard has helped me form more of an idea of how I want my website to be designed. This helps to cut down on me having to go back and forth in my website and change things until it is the way I want it. Basically in a nutshell the storyboard has saved me some frusteration by helping me plan out the design of my website.

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