The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known. ~Charles Evans Hughes

Monday, February 6, 2012

Web vs print

Writing for the web tends to be much more informal where writing for print tends to be more formal structure. Writing for the web allows you to do so much more than you can writing for print. Your freedoms writing for the web is endless compared to print. For the web more of the writers personality comes to light. You can be more creating adding bullets and paratraph trim along with colorful texts and backgrounds. Not to mention the ability to create stylish extra's which will grab the readers attention. With print the fun is not as intense as on the web. There are typically no cool colors or fonts or anything for that matter, that would help to grab the attention of the reading audience for which it is trying to gain the attention. Its so much more time consuming for many to read print than the web. The web is vertually everywhere and to grab a newspaper or magazine is almost impossible in today's society. People are so busy with the hustle and bustle of their everyday life that it is easier to read the news on the web than stop at a news stand and buy a paper then find time to read it.  Almost everyone has web access at their finger tips with smartphones and portable laptop computers. Web all the way!

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