The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known. ~Charles Evans Hughes

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Prior to taking this course I wasnt aware of the components,creativity and precision that goes into making a website. Ive come to see how important graphic design is and the roles it plays in the world of communications. I never thought of the science that goes behind constructing a website and therefore its importants. I went from knowing very little about how graphics,design and layouts play a huge part in advertisements and business. I know now that its not just throught pictures and words onto a piece off paper or onto a website. Instead everything should be concise in its place, order, and appearance to help convey information and to talk to a person without actually ever coming face to face.
I have noticed that the website that I first constructed didnt take into account all the things needed for the viewer such as typography,readibility and viewibility.
The story board that we prepared for class for our final websites was a great warm up for how I wanted my website to be viewed and portrayed. I did realize that it didnt come out anywhere near how my final wesbite turned out, but nonetheless it was a good tool to use for me to get my mind thinking about the website and any idea's I would eventually have.

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