The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known. ~Charles Evans Hughes

Monday, January 9, 2012

Quiz 1

1, The web would be my choice of avenue to get the annual report to each stockholder. Using the web makes it more cost effective for me as well as time efficient.

2, I would utilize the web. There is no telling how many ad agencies there are. I would save on postage and alot of printing of brochures if I were to just send out my web address.

3. Web. I am a software company so technology is at my fingertips. Im sure there are alot of customers so the web would be the fastest and easiest way.

4. Some of my clients may not have the internet. So I would go with print.

5. The web seems to be the best of option. My readers have responded to me that the print version is not longer something that is easy for them to read. There are more cons with the print version than there would be using the web.

6. Web would be the best option. Giving out a web address so people can come see my work for themselves if they want.

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