The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known. ~Charles Evans Hughes

Monday, January 9, 2012

Web as to Print

Web publishing is significantly less expensive than print. So therefore the freedom for design is greater for web use than print. Color for print is far more complicated along with being less efficient than on the web. In addition the use of color is more expensive in the process of print design. On the web color is used at no extra charge along with there being a wider variety of colors which dont exist for printed pages. Making changes,revisions and updates are quicker and a lot easier using the web versus print. The distribution of printed material is very costly as far as money and time are concerned. With the web it is much simpler to distribute due to cross-marketing through other sites. Another obsticle with print media is the ability to reach customers. More and more these days accessing the web and web based media is far more accessable than print forms.

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