The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known. ~Charles Evans Hughes

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quiz: pg 154

The first site we were supposed to look did catch your eye. The colors were nicely chosen to compliment the black background. So the page did have a nice contrast in that respect. What I wasnt impressed by was the size of the font which made it messy in terms of the fact that in order to view everything you would have to scroll to see all the links. Everything seemed to be too large and did not fit the page. The links were centered but the font was too large. This goes back to Typography,readibility, and legibility.
The second site I observed was more organized and neat. Everything fit and was the appropriate size as well as the ability to catch the readers eye. The links were easy to use and you didnt have to keep scrolling to make sure you viewed everything and didnt miss anything.

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